Service call software: Complete visibility & real insights into your business’ operations & efficiencies

When making business decisions, knowledge is the key to success. With SAMGO service call software you will have complete access to real data on your business’ service, operations, revenues and efficiencies.   SAMGO empowers you to make the right decisions that will enhance your service, increase revenues and keep your clients happy.


Better understand barriers to service Make better decisions Enhance Efficiencies
SAMGO service call software gives you complete visibility to review and assess your entire service process and identify any reoccurring issues that are delaying job completion times and invoice days. With SAMGO insights you will have analytical data with key information that enables you to make informed decisions based on facts and figures. With report history you can see how efficiently your team is operating and if there are any reoccurring barriers that, if resolved, would improve productivity.

Get Real Insights

SAMGO service call software gives you complete visibility into your business; our reporting tools allow you to see how your service team is performing and how revenue is being generated so that you can make informed decisions.

SAMGO reporting allows you to see:

  • The number of completed jobs to invoiced jobs
  • Who of your service engineers is completing the most jobs
    • Time spent on site
    • Time spent driving
  • What is the average lead time for job completion by job type?
    • Site visits within the last 30, 60, 90 days.
  • What percentage of jobs are covered by SLAs?
  • What job types are generating the most revenue?
  • If there are any barriers to service / job completion?
    • Engineers Report
    • Contract Reports
    • Site Machine Reports
    • Due Diligence Reports

SAMGO reporting for your clients creates complete transparency and allows your customers to review the status of jobs completed but also machine performance enabling them to make educated decisions with regards to product end of life. SAMGO is a bespoke application that allows us to continuously expand our software reporting capabilities. If you have a specific KPI that your business needs to measure we would be delighted to discuss what SAMGO can do for you

23 %
More Efficient
+20 %
More Savings
20 %
Icrease In Client Satisfaction

Our awesome SAMGO Clients

Make your Service team Global now. Your only boundary is YOU !

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