Cash Management: We can help you speed up invoicing so that you can collect cash quicker

Your first challenge is to get the client’s service visit completed. So, you’ve got the job done, the machine is back working and the client is happy. Now you need to get the invoice out. And that is where the problem starts for many businesses. Service dockets build up quickly. It’s hard to get the right pricing allocated & to accurately record each spare part that was used. If you can’t quickly generate an accurate invoice then you can’t get paid quickly.


Find out how SAMGO speeds up cash collection.

How does SAMGO improve Cash Management?

Contract Management ERP Integration Financial Software Integration
SAMGO allows you to maintain a range of contracts across multiple customers. Assign contract rates for time worked, mileage and spare parts pricing. Keep a detailed record of each contract for each site and each client. Speed up your service to cash collection cycle with SAMGO. SAMGO can be quickly integrated into your ERP. Automated processes means you get paid faster. With a fast on-board process we can get you up & running on SAMGO in a few days. Our speedy onboarding process means that you can impact cashflow quickly. With SAMGO you can get to grips faster with cash management. We can build a link into your financial management and parts inventory software. SAMGO is already fully integrated with Sage. Ask us how we can help speed up your cash collection!

Speed up cash collection

Cash is King. How often have you heard that phrase? But crowning Cash as King is easier said than done! Well with SAMGO we take away many of the headaches in your business. Our software helps you to build robust processes that can power your mobile service team. And we don’t stop there. We have powerful dashboards that allow your management team to quickly spot opportunitites to improve your service delivery. Integration tools allow you to build SAMGO into your existing business software and quickly reap the rewards.

SAMGO helps you with cash management by:

  • Assigning the right engineer to the right job. Opimising workforce allocation & processes reduces your costs and conserves cash.
  • Eliminating paperwork from the service team means more efficient processes and lower admin costs.
  • Automating the service docket means better and more accurate service records. Less errors means fewer invoice queries & faster payment.
  • Tracking each site and each asset allows you to track where you’re spending money so you can make the right decisions.
  • Speeding up service to invoice is critical. With SAMGO, the Service Engineer raises the invoice. Instant Invoice from SAMGO will speed up your cash collections.
100 %
Invoice Accuracy
40 %
More On Time Payments
20 +
Client Satisfaction

Our awesome SAMGO Clients

Make your Service team Global now. Your only boundary is YOU !

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